Thursday, April 27, 2006

Fort Worth

Ministry Update

The Lord gave us a great meeting in Fort Worth. On Tuesday night there was a fourteen-year-old girl named Lacy and last night an 11-year-old boy named Elijah was saved. It was a great meeting with the Lord giving us a tremendous rapport with the pastor and the members of the church.

Our next meeting is in Amarillo TX where I will preach a very unusual schedule for a revival meeting: Saturday through Monday. From Amarillo, we will head back to North Carolina to be there, for the most part, until the baby is born.

Family Update

The family is doing well. Josiah has improved since we have been in TX. I am not sure if it is because of the change in climate, or the cold front that has moved in the last few days. Whatever the reason, I am pleased. Abigail woke up last night with a fever, but has only a runny nose and cough this morning. Pray that it doesn’t turn into an ear infection.

I took the kids outside yesterday to play for a while. I gave them squirt guns filled with water, and I blew bubbles for them to shoot. You should have seen them, running around the yard, shrieking and laughing and squirting their guns. I was thankful that I was shot only once by a stray stream of water. I nearly hyperventilated blowing a half a jar of bubbles, though!

The day before yesterday, I was taking a walk, and just as I came in sight of the trailer, a dog started growling and barking and running in circles around me. He kept snapping at me, and I thought I was going to get bitten! Then, all of a sudden, he ran across the street and threw up and began doing unspeakable things. I hurried on to the trailer, thankful to be in one piece. The last several times I have gone out, I have carried a length of dowel rod with me, lest I be attacked again. It did come in handy when another dog started to chase me. I shook it at him, and in my sternest voice said, “Stay right there!” He did, and I lost my opportunity to get a world class punt record. Oh, well. Maybe next time.

We were in the truck the other day, and Josiah was asking his interminable questions, and Paul responded to one with one of his own, “How would you like to be jack-slapped?” There was a pause, and then Josiah said, “Am I allergic to that?” We died laughing. Pray that his sense of humor won’t be totally warped!

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