Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sickness and Blessing

Ministry Update

The Lord has given us a wonderful week of meetings at the Page Valley Baptist Church in Luray, VA. Hearts have been touched and challenged by the Word of God. Today, we head to Hot Springs, VA for another week of meetings. Thank you for praying for us.

During the slow months of the winter, God revealed to me through my pastor that I should write a book. I have been working on it ever since the new year and hope to have it available sometime in September. Please pray with me that God will use the book to minister to the hearts of men and women. The title is Cliffs and Fences: Personal Separation and Standards in a Biblical Perspective. I may work with the subtitle a little bit, but the first three words of that title are set in stone.

One of the things the Lord did for us this week was to lay it on the heart of someone to give a large gift toward paying off our trailer. Getting out from under that payment has been on my heart for quite some time, and God brought us much closer this week.

Family Update

This week has been wild from the family’s standpoint because of sickness. First of all, Sarah got sick at the beginning of the week and she has not recovered yet. Then Josiah was touch and go for a while, then I got sick, then the girls got it. Fever, runny nose, and a deep, sometimes barking cough are the symptoms of this diabolical disease. Because Sarah lost her voice early in the week, I had to sing a couple of nights. Due to the negative impact my vocalizing had on the crowds, we decided to have Sarah play the piano for the rest of the special music. Having escaped the plague most of the week, I found myself in its clutches Thursday night. After that service, I was unable to sleep all night long because of a fever of 101. Friday night, the fever had proven itself as inseparable as my shadow. After preaching, I stumbled home for another sleepless night. Shortly after 6:00 Saturday morning, the fever broke and I am on the way toward feeling better. The girls are still sick. Evangelists may not carry revival in their trailers, but this evangelist carries a dreaded sickness. Hopefully, the word won’t get out.


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