Friday, October 22, 2021

 This month has been a month of seemingly constant repairs--and a heartache as well.  As we headed out of Montana to our meeting in South Dakota, we were nearing our destination when two of our trailer tires blew at the same time on the same side.  I suspect that there was something in the road that caused the tires to blow because the motorist behind us also had a tire blow at the same time.  Changing tires on the Interstate is part of the description of the evangelist, but I had never had two blow at the same time on the same side.  That night we limped into the Bible Baptist Church of Brookings, South Dakota on three tires.  The good news was that we were able to park the trailer and have a place for the family to live while I worked on rounding up the necessary parts to fix the trailer.  The only tires that I was able to find were a temporary fix, but at least they got us on to where we needed to be.

Tire blowouts always do other trailer damage, and this time was no different.  On my trailer, there is a six-point hydraulic leveling system that came in handy when I had to work on the tires.  The blown tire perforated one of the hydraulic lines so that as we were leaving Michigan, fluid was pouring out everywhere.  I was able to make it all the way from Michigan back to Mississippi where I replaced the faulty line.  Also, I was able to get good quality tires for the trailer.  The tires normally run about $500 apiece installed, but the man gave me all four of them for $800 total.  Praise God for His provision.

There were also some minor issues with the truck: a water pump failed after 300,000 miles, and a coolant gasket did the same thing a couple of weeks later.  I have decided not to complain about auto parts that last that long.

We had some wonderful meetings this month, including a first for me.  Pastor John Allen of Valparaiso, Indiana, began a Christian Workers Seminar years ago to try to help the lay workers in his church to be better at what they do.  This year, he invited me to speak twice at the meeting (it goes all day long on a a Saturday) and then to preach in his church the following day.  What a great meeting that was!  It was a great blessing to be able to be a part of it.  Local church meetings SD, MI, and MS were also blessed of the Lord.

On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, a dear friend of ours went home to be with the Lord.  Pastor Jason Walker's heart stopped in his sleep, due possibly to A-fib, ushering him into the presence of our Lord.  A week later, my family and I were present at his funeral in Brooklyn, NY.  Over 500 people were there to pay their respects to a man whose ministry was characterized by a love of people.  Please pray for his widow and seven children.  

God has been so good to us and we look forward to continuing ministry as the year winds down.  Thank you all for your prayers.

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