Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Answered prayer

This has been a wonderful month in which we could watch God work.  We started in Wilson, North Carolina, in a sportsmen's banquet.  This is a great event at the Trinity Baptist Church, drawing men from as far away as Fayetteville.  A teen boy raised his hand for salvation, but did not respond at the invitation.  Still, it was wonderful to be able to preach the gospel.

From Wilson, we had to return home because my truck gave me an issue for the first time in nearly 250,000 miles.  It was at the mechanic's shop while we were in NC.  Upon returning to Mississippi and consulting with the mechanic, we found that the emission control system was to blame.  The total repair bill was over $3,600.  We mentioned this need last month. (Last month, I said that it was $3,400.  I guess that goes to show what inflation will do.)

As I was leaving a Wednesday night service, a pastor called and informed me that he had felt led to take up an offering for us.  As I understand it, he did not pass the plate for the offering, but instructed his people that they should simply see the church treasurer if they were interested in participating.  He called to tell me that the offering was enough to meet the need.  I still weep when I tell the story.  It was so amazing to see God work.

After getting the work done, we moved on to our next meeting in Lisbon, Ohio.  There were several heads of households in that meeting for whom the pastor was praying to be saved.  On Sunday morning, one of them walked the aisle to make his salvation public.  He had actually been saved in his truck on the way to work, just five days before we arrived.  The other two men heard the gospel in the meeting, but did not trust Christ.  Still, the Lord used the meeting in a great way in the life of that church.

From there, we were off to Minster, Ohio, to where the Lord once again allowed us to minister to lost souls.  While the college-aged girl did not get saved the Sunday we were there, she did trust Christ the following service.  This church will be participating in the upcoming Victory Gospel Crusade.

Then, the government's reaction to the virus kicked in.  Due to an order from the governor of Michigan, the pastor had to cancel the meeting, or risk misdemeanor charges.  As of right now, we sit in Western Ohio, wondering what the future will hold for us.  So far, only the one meeting has canceled, but we wonder what the rest of the spring schedule will be like.

Many have taken in hand to give their opinion on the present danger of COVID-19, often described as pandemic.  Despite the government mandated isolation into which so much of our nation has been plunged, this is a great time to give the gospel.  No one likes to think about human mortality, but that is exactly what Americans are thinking about at this moment.  With a little bit of convincing, people will soon realize that no government or policy can protect them from contracting the disease.  Only God provides the answer at a time like this.  Should the disease take your life or mine, we both must be ready to meet our God.  What a time to give the good news of Jesus!

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