Monday, December 16, 2019

Home Again

Josiah's first semester of college is over and he will soon be home with us in Mississippi for a few weeks.  Our meetings are all local, for the most part, and short: no one is doing week-long revival meetings around the Christmas holiday.  Our family will be ministering together in our home church at Christmas, as well as traveling to other churches in the area.

After the first of the year, things will begin to pick up again as the meetings begin for us anew.  One new venture is a Christian workers' conference being hosted at our home church Clearview Baptist Church.  Many conferences are specifically designed to enrich the pastor in his effort to better himself as a minister of Christ.  These conferences assume a certain level of base knowledge on the part of those attending.  These meetings are good and have their place.  There are some people, however, who need to be taught the first principles of what it means to serve God through the local church.  It is to these people that our conference is geared.  Our hope is that the meeting will fill a great need, help to better equip people to serve God, and be a help to churches around our area.  Please pray for us as we move forward with the plans for this endeavor.

This summer we are to return to the Philippines for another missions trip.  The Lord is continuing to expand our ministry there and we are grateful.

The year 2020 promises to be an important year in many respects.  Our desire is that it will be a spiritual turning point for some that we minister to, that it will be the year that some trusted Christ as Savior and finally surrendered to His will in their lives.

Thank you all for your prayers.

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