Sunday, March 17, 2019


Since last month's writing, we have changed ends, of the country, that is.  We are now on the east coast, having driven the distance to get here.  The little 5x8 cargo trailer that keeps our luggage out of the elements has been from California to the Carolinas, and God has seen to our safety the entire way.

The truck had to have some routine 200,000-mile maintenance done to it while we were in Georgia, but the mechanic that did the work for me charged me less than half of what another shop was going to charge me.  He replaced the upper and lower ball joints on both sides of the front end.  The truck is running very well now, much to my relief.

Our meetings have been the highlight of the last month.  Night after night, week after week, we are able to see God work in hearts as a result of the preaching.  Below is an excerpt from a note that I received in the past month:

"This week has been life-changing.  All of your messages have been exactly what I needed...Over the 16 years of being saved there have been only a few camp meetings/revivals that have had a similar effect as this week has.  July 2010, called to preach, October 2012 called to ministry/pastorate, and March 2019 sell out to God.  Give Him all."

In the same meeting, another lady who had been struggling with assurance was able to get help from the Word of God after she and her husband met with me privately after one of the services.  What a joy to be able to serve God!

These kinds of things make everything worth while as the fatigue begins to mount from being in a service night after night.  I am thankful for the working of God in hearts and hungry to see more of it in the days to come.

Our trailer situation has not changed.  It still sits at home while we are on the road, and I still wonder to myself what to do about it.  There is a possibility of getting it fixed by a man in our church who has worked on vehicles of all kinds for many years.  At this point, I don't even know what I want regarding the trailer.  It would be wonderful to be in it again, but I have given to whole thing over to the Lord.  He knows what it best, and I am trusting Him to guide my steps in this regard.

Please pray for the family.  The weeks of being in different beds in different places and being in services every night has begun to wear on us physically.  Sarah, in particular, has been ill for a long time.  A lingering cough and fever plagued her this week.  So acute was the cough that she had to leave Sunday school this morning and go to the store and get something for it.  The children are so weary that my teenagers have begun taking Sunday afternoon naps!

We are also in need of wisdom as we move forward regarding a missions trip this year.  A door to return to the Philippines has opened again, but there are issues with Josiah's graduation and the timing of our leaving for Asia.  Other details are important as well, such as Josiah getting a job to pay for his coming college bill.

In short, this is a time of great change in our lives as we have known them over the past years.  How grateful we are, not only that God knows the future, but also that we have many who regularly pray for us as we serve Him.

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