Monday, September 17, 2012


Yesterday, we began a meeting at the Goodman Road Baptist Church, just down the road from where we live.  God gave us a good day, filled with victories.

The morning service included a young couple, Maurice and Ciara, visiting at the invitation of a man in the church who happened to be their son’s football coach.  Maurice had been reared Catholic, Ciara Baptist.  As I preached on reconciliation from 2 Corinthians 5, both listened intently.  Ciara came forward at the invitation.  She knew she was saved but was concerned about her attendance in the Catholic church.  For her, coming to the Baptist church once again was “like coming home.”

Maurice was impressed by the differences between the two churches.  He confided in the man who invited him, “There are some differences between Baptist services and Catholic services.  There is a lot of energy here.”  From Ciara we learned that Maurice’s mother is exerting pressure on him to “remember where your home is,” referring to his Catholic upbringing.  For his part, Maurice likes what he has seen and has promised to return.  In all likelihood, Maurice would trust Christ as Savior if he could sit under multiple nights of preaching.  The conviction has begun, but needs to build.  Please pray for him.

Bret and Erica Ross sent their children to Bible school at the church back in the summer time.  Since then, they have been coming to the church, but neither of them were saved.  A few days before the meeting began, Erica trusted Christ as Savior and both of them were in every service on Sunday.  Sunday night, Bret came forward and trusted Christ as Savior.  He told the personal worker, “I don’t understand it.  It is like this preacher has been looking in my window and in my wallet.”  [I have no idea where the wallet idea came from, but that is what he said.]

All in all, it was a great start to the meeting.

Please pray about our trailer situation.  We had to have some repairs done for which insurance was supposed to pay.  Somewhere in the process, there was a breakdown in communication.  The repairs have been completed, but the insurance company doesn’t want to pay for them.  Pray for a resolution of this issue.  I have rearranged our plans so that I can go to a meeting without the family, but after that, there will be no way around pulling the trailer to our next meetings.  It is all in God’s hands.

1 comment:

Erica Ross said...

I am so thankful for hearing you preach on Sunday, and look foward to the rest of the week as well. I must say, I too, was confused by Bret's wallet comment, but after explanation, I understand. He meant it as his wallet being his most personal possession. Meaning, it seems as if Pastor has been seeing into the most personal aspects of his life and has been speaking directly to him as he preached. ~ Erica Ross