Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sign of the Times

The other day, after visitation, Sarah and I took our children with us as we shopped for some items at the Home Depot.  While we were there, we found that the store was doing a special promotion in which kids could do a project there in the store.  All the materials, including kits, tools, and paints, had been provided for them for free.

Intrigued by idea and lured by the price, we decided to take the time and let each of our children make something.  The kit this time was a moving truck. 

Of course, Sarah had to capture the occasion on film to scrapbook later on in life.  While reviewing the photos, I came across an alarming discovery.

You will notice the setting of a father trying to assist his sons in doing a project, complete with hammer, nails, wood, and glue.  But notice the picture again.

The circled area tells the story that I was loathe to accept before.  There, clearly caught on film, is the swan song of my hair.  The evidence would indicate that soon, I will be bald as a jug.  My wife is already talking about different comb-over techniques, all of which I have refused so far.  The question I have to ask is this: Why is there evidence of my aging when I still feel so young?

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