Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Softball, Humility, and Diesel Performance Chips

Ministry Update

Last week we closed a great meeting on Wednesday in Semmes, AL, just outside Mobile. Though the meeting only lasted four days, it was action packed. This church is a very responsive church, especially to our ministry. Whenever we are in the area, there is a sizable group of people that follows us and can be expected to attend multiple nights of a revival meeting, even in another church. We started the meeting with Big League Sunday, which featured dinner on the grounds, a softball game in the afternoon, an apple pie and dessert making contest for the ladies, and a free baseball to every child who attended. The church was packed and there was tremendous response to the message I preached on "Excellent Christianity." Throughout the week, the altar was full almost every night, and two trusted Christ during the meeting. It was a great blessing. After preaching in chapel on Thursday morning in their Christian school, I packed up the trailer and drove straight through to NC, arriving at 12:30 Friday morning. Now we are home for a few weeks to prepare for the summer ministry that awaits us. More on that later.

Thank you so much for your prayers. It was a blessing to see the evidence of the Holy Spirit's conviction in the hearts of people responding, especially for salvation this week.

Though this is hardly ministry, the Lord did provide something for me that I have been wanting for a long time. I have been wanting to get a performance diesel chip in my truck to increase my fuel economy as I tow my trailer. The Lord provided through the gifts (green handshakes) of different people and now I have been able to purchase a chip for my truck. I hope that it will result in slightly improved fuel economy. The company claims increases of up to 4 mpg. We'll see.

Family Update

I am glad to be back in NC, although the weather has taken a turn for the colder. I do so hate breaking out the long sleeves after I have already packed them away for the summer. Thank the Lord we still had our electric heaters.

I was in my first ever pie-baking contest while we were in Alabama. I tied for third place with my "Paper Bag Apple Pie" (yes, I actually put it in a paper bag in the oven) against some stiff competition! Some of those ladies can really cook! Anyway- it was a pie baking contest, not a pie eating contest, as Paul has been wont to tell some people. If the truth be told, though, I think he would have won the eating contest had there been one! Josiah would have won the hot dog eating contest with a grand total of six consumed in about ten minutes. Better him than me.

Paul and I played softball that afternoon and I became an official redneck - at least on one side of my neck. The sun was so bright and hot - it really felt good after the extended cool weather we have had had this spring. The kids are loving the nice weather. Since we have been back, they have spent quite a bit of time learning to ride their bikes. Josiah finally learned that he has to use the brakes and not just run smack into things in order to stop. Abigail learned the hard way not to take her feet off the pedals while coasting down a hill. Both, however, are making great progress in the skill.

School will be finished next week. Somebody say "AMEN!" Josiah has really made a lot of progress and had a great year. His greatest desire right now is to learn cursive. He can already read it pretty well, and has even attempted to copy words on his own, with impressive results! I think he will pick it up quickly.

He has also been singing with me in our meetings. We sang a duet, "A Tender Heart" and he did such a wonderful job, even though he left his shoes in the pew when he came up to sing! (You can listen to the duet here.) Later, someone told me that they told Josiah what a good job he had done, to which he replied, "I was just waiting for someone to tell me that!" Nothing like a good dose of humility to keep things in perspective!

Abigail will turn four this weekend, and is so excited. Josiah was trying to help me plan some games for the event. I said pin the tail on the donkey, and he suggested "Pin the Rock on Goliath." Now that sounds like fun! Abigail has learned a lot from her big brother, and they like to play together. One of their games is the spelling game. Each spells a word, and the other has to guess what it is. The handicap is that only one of them knows how to spell. Josiah will spell a real word, and Abigail, having no idea what it is will make wild guesses. Then, after several hints, she will figure it out, and it will be her turn to spell. Sample words might be "A-T-M-R-Q" or something similar. Then Josiah will try to sound it out. It is quite amusing to listen to them. He usually forgets the sequence about halfway through the word, and of course, she can't remember it either, so she tells him what the word was. Both are happy, and I have great hopes that one day it will be a good exercise for them.

Esther's vocabulary has really taken off, and she jabbers almost constantly. She also continues to get into everything. Monday, she found a bottle of hand lotion that her sister left out and promptly helped herself. I smelled a rather fragrant aroma coming from the bedroom and walked in to find her slathered in lotion - the entire bottle was on her arms, her legs, her dress, and the carpet. She was patting her hands in the lotion, and it was splattering everywhere. It wasn't the worst mess I have cleaned up, but neither was it the easiest - kind of greasy. She is a happy little thing most of the time, so it is hard not to smile when she gets into a situation like that. She enjoys the girly things of life - lotion, perfume, nail polish, lip gloss - you name it. She just needs to learn a bit of moderation!

1 comment:

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