Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Doll, a Deer, and a Barn Sour Horse

Ministry Update

Thank you so much for your prayers for us while we were on the road. The Lord gave safety in our travel and fruitfulness in ministry. We are home now for some rest and recharging before we head west during the winter.

Family Update

We are on our way home right now, and by the time you receive this e-mail, we will probably be there. We have really enjoyed the time we have had in meetings this fall. People have been saved, Christians have been renewed, and the Lord has given us more meetings as well as new opportunities of ministry. We are so thankful for all of His care, provision, and protection.

Last week, Dolly (Abigail’s constant companion) went AWOL for five days. We turned the trailer upside down and inside out looking for her, but to no avail. I looked in the church as well, but found nothing. Abigail was interrogated as to where she left her doll, but her only answer was, “I don’t know!” When we pulled out of Front Royal, VA, I just resigned myself to the fact that she was gone for good. Sunday morning, Josiah was looking for his Bible and found it (exactly where it was supposed to be) in his school desk. As he pulled it out, I heard a telltale rattle, and there was DOLLY! Abigail’s face, which had worn a rather forlorn expression for the last five days, was transformed with delight when I put Dolly in her arms once again. We are all very thankful for this happy turn of events.

We also rejoice in the fact that Paul has (finally) gotten his first deer. He went out hunting with a man in the church on Monday morning, and shot a “button buck.” I warned him that after five years of fruitless hunting, that he had better come back with something. He really got razzed about the size of his deer. One man said that he shot the spots right off of it. Another joked that the antlers were only warts. Regardless, we have some very tender meat for our Thanksgiving table. Yes, we will all be able to eat! The kids were so excited about the “baby deer that Daddy shot.” We are all proud of our resident great white hunter.

We left after the close of our meeting Tuesday night in a gale. It was 39 degrees and raining – miserable weather for doing anything. The wind, thankfully, was behind us, so we made good time. We pulled in to a church parking lot previously arranged beforehand with the pastor. He told us that he was leaving after the service that night to be with family, but they had an RV hookup that we were welcome to use anytime. We gratefully pulled into the parking lot around midnight and got out to plug in the trailer. To our chagrin, there was no hookup to be found! The pastor had told us that the plug was on the unlighted telephone pole. We searched every telephone pole on the property, but - you guessed it - we never found it. It is amazing that no one called the police! I can imagine what the call might have been like. “Yes, Officer, there are two suspicious characters lurking around the church building. One has a flashlight, and the other has an umbrella. No, they aren’t trying to get into the building, they are just wandering around in the parking lot. Wait! They are shining their flashlight on the telephone pole….Now they are walking again….Another pole check….It looks as if they are dancing (this was when we stepped in the deep puddles). I am not sure what they are doing, but it needs to be checked out. Very strange, Officer. Very strange. No problem – just doing my duty as a citizen. You never know about people. They could be terrorists or something.”

At this point, I had taken back all the nice things I ever said about the pastor, his family, his church, and his mother. Paul and I were soaked to the skin, freezing and bewildered. Where was the elusive plug? Did the pastor intend this to be very bad practical joke, perhaps? Did the plug just disappear into thin air? After twenty minutes or so in the pouring, gusting rain, we found a 15 amp receptacle on the side of the building, and decided to adapt our plug down to that. Shortly after that, we fell into bed, relieved to be out of the inclement weather. We headed out this morning like a barn-sour horse for home.

The thanksgiving holiday traffic is dreadful. Presently, we are creeping along at 15-20 mph along I-85. Hopefully we will make it back in time for our Thanksgiving Praise service at our home church this evening.

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