Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Back to Normal

 The May rush of graduations is over for us as of today.  We had relatives in from out of town to celebrate Esther's graduation, with an honorable mention of Josiah's college graduation from college as well thrown into the mix.  Esther was the first of our children to not have a more formal graduation ceremony.  The details simply could not be worked out this year as they had with our other two children in days gone by.  That meant that the graduation reception at our house was the only means of celebration for Esther.  She was fine with not having a ceremony, though, if for no other reason than the fact that she did not have to give a public speech.  She plans to return to Ambassador Baptist College in the fall to continue studying for her one-year Bible certificate that she began in January of this year.  That will mean three of my four children will be in college at the same time. Josiah is on track to graduate with his master's degree a year from now.  Abigail has two more years to go, and Esther will be done this time next year as well.

In the mean time, the Crow family is back to whatever normal is for us.  Josiah is working on an internship in our home church in Mississippi; Abigail is a camp counselor all summer long at Southland Christian Camp in Ringgold, Louisiana; and our younger two are at home preparing for the summer ministry.

The highlight of this summer's ministry is to be a trip to Europe where we will spend six weeks preaching mostly in Italy, but also in Germany.  In these letters, I have mentioned the financial need that exists to enable us to be without income for those weeks, plus pay for our airfare.  Many gifts have come in for this need with more on the way.  At the present time the money that has actually come in is around 40% of what we need for the trip.  We are still a month out, and churches that have promised to give have not yet taken up the offerings for our upcoming trip.  We are confident that God will meet the need in His way and in His time.  Many of you who read these letters have given toward the need, and we are grateful for your generosity.

Until the exact date when we leave for Italy, June 24, we have some local engagements and one camp in which I will preach before we head out.  The schedule includes two American military churches, four Italian churches, and one missionary camp in Germany.  Our days will be filled with ministry, and we could not be more excited to see what God will do.

As the summer summer begins for each of us, may we all seize every opportunity that God gives us to serve Him.  As always, thank you all for your prayers and support.